Hello again, just wanted to provide an update about the blog. I have a couple of posts up there now, and have added a couple of small details to the site.
I have a few contributors lined up, but I'm always looking for more, from different types of racing
The posts don't have to be long, in fact shorter to the point posts are preferred over long rambling posts! Contributing doesn't have to be a regular commitment either.
Here are some suggestions for topics:
- How you got into racing
- How your first practice event or race went
- Update on your latest race
- Info about your vehicle, and the work you've had to do to it
- General info about your racing series
- Future plans for your racing career
There are many more of course, but those are just a few to get your imagination going. Like I said before, I really hope we can find a few people from the LFS forums, as it we have a great group of talented racers here, that people would love to hear more about.